Definition: True Colour (24 bit)

Definition: True Colour (24 bit) | Glossary entry

True Colour (Video Graphics)

The use of the term ‘True colour’ is used to refer to video graphics or other graphical media supporting 24-bit colour for each of the three RGB (Red/Green/Blue) colours. True colour graphics are used in the majority of modern cameras as the colour display standard for the Liquid Crystal Display screen.


True Colour is the representation and storing of graphical image information colour data. It is used to display a very large number of colours, shades, and hues. True colour is used in the display of High graphic quality as required in high quality photographic images or complex screen graphics. True colour is defined to mean at least 256 shades of red, green, and blue, (eg. 256 x 256 x 256) for a total of 16,777,216 colour variations. The human eye can discriminate around ten million colours.

Different display types and resolutions have differing colour display characteristics. True colour was unsupported by most commercial Video Graphics systems until after the middle 1990’s although high-end systems were available.
