Category Archives: History

Relating to the historical background and the actual history of photography as a discipline

A History of Photography – Part Three

Wartime Photography
The horrors of war and its aftermath were bought home to the population through journalistic and documentary stories. The First World War (1914 – 1918) years focussed photographers mainly on the devastation left after battles. However, improving film and better lenses meant that the true horrors of battle could be photographed in graphic detail. The positive lifestyle impact of pre-war photography suddenly changed. Photography as a tool for historical and optimistic cultural pursuit suddenly expressed a negative force. War photography, in its most pessimistic and stark representations, opened up a new era of realism in image-making.

Leica I, 1925

The 'Leica I' (1925) - the first compact camera was immediately popular. (Wikipedia).

The development of the 35mm format took place during the First World War. It was not until 1925 that the first 35mm camera went into production. The Leica I (for Leitz camera), was the first in that compact format and was immediately popular. Many compact cameras of a similar type followed from other manufacturers. Widespread use of the new 35mm film format contributed to improved photographic techniques during the inter-war years. During the 1930s, Henri Cartier-Bresson and other photographers began to use the small, 35mm cameras. The more compact format enabled them to easily capture realistic images of life as it occurred, rather than through staged shots.

The stark realism of early war photography intensified in World War II. Journalistic photography after 1939 was more objective than previous times. Improved techniques, cameras and film made reporting more immediate, immersed in day-to-day battle action. War photographers found themselves in the line of fire rather than reporting on the aftermath. Consequently photographers were killed in conflicts during WWII (and in subsequent wars to the current day) – strong testimony to the immediacy of photography in the new era. See ‘War photographers – a special report’ – The Guardian Newspaper [Beware – graphic images]   External link - opens new tab/page

The sharpness of photographic responsibility and realism came out in wartime photography (despite a thriving propaganda machine on all sides). As a result photography perhaps gave the impression of being an absolute representation of truth and reality – which it is not. Photography, like all art, is open to interpretation and to the manipulation of the viewer’s perception.

Pin-up models and the ‘sweetheart back-home’ photos were also encouraged by the war machine. This perhaps helped to raise the awareness of images in the public mind. After the war popular publications exhibited a growing use of photography and imagery.

Post war photography
The 35mm film format and equipment gained increasing popularity from the mid-1940s. Other file and camera formats continued too. Large format photography continued to be popular with professional photographers. Larger format film was retained for larger pictures and greater detail – medium format photography continued for specific work too. It was the 35mm that won the public hearts. In the heady enthusiasm for fun and stylish living of the 1950s 35mm film complemented lifestyle choices. Photojournalism was growing fast and the documentary story was penetrating popular culture. The era of mass photography was upon the world.

Asahiflex IIb, 1954 - The first Japanese SLR using 35mm film

The Asahi Optical Company, later known for the popular 'Pentax' marque, released the Asahiflex IIb in 1954 - The first Japanese SLR using 35mm film

Henri Cartier-Bresson expressed the concept of the “Decisive Moment” in his influential book, “Images à la Sauvette” (1952). This is when visual elements in the shot combine with the reality of the moment in the context of the shot. The combination, if successful, is visually pleasing and captures the essence of the moment in a meaningful and satisfying way.

Sculptor Alberto Giacometti by Henri Cartier-Bresson Wikipedia

Sculptor Alberto Giacometti by Henri Cartier-Bresson From Wikipedia

Cartier-Bresson said in his book:

“Photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which gives that event its proper expression.”

This quote has been interpreted widely, but is undoubtedly influential. Emphasis on the importance and reality of the moment reflected social issues of the time. The 1950s and 1960s were a time of realism   External link - opens new tab/page verses idealism    External link - opens new tab/page. The developing power of image-making was testament to at least part of that debate. The public face of those ideas were important because of the growing power of images in the media.

Style, fashion, personal freedoms and new money were pushed hard by the media during the 1950s. The stirring of the ‘glamour’ photography revolution helped too. There are few references to ‘glamour’ in the 1950s. Nevertheless, this was the decade of the public pin-up and movie star culture. Marilyn Munroe and a whole host of stars from the period graced the front pages of the new image-based magazines. Photographs were enjoying public appeal like never before.

First issue of Playboy, December 1953 - On Wikipedia

First issue of Playboy (with Marilyn Munroe), December 1953 - On Wikipedia

Colour photography was beginning to make an impact too. Despite that, black and white photography remained predominant. Camera equipment was cheaper than ever. Most photographers and enthusiasts stayed with black and white because it was cheaper than colour – requiring less processing.

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By Damon Guy (author and Photokonnexion editor)

Damon Guy - Netkonnexion

Damon Guy (Netkonnexion)

Damon is a writer-photog and editor of this site. He has run some major websites, a computing department and a digital image library. He started out as a trained teacher and now runs training for digital photographers.
See also: Editors ‘Bio’.

A History of Photography – Part Two

The "Brownie 2" camera. Made of cardboard

The "Brownie 2" camera. The exposed film was returned to the Kodak labs, inside the cardboard camera, for processing. (Featured on Wikipedia).

Dry plate photography
Various wet gel processes (emulsions) had been used in the creation of both positive and negative image forms. By the 1870s both the systems had been tested in a range of photographic situations. However, the inconvenience of working with wet gels proved more crucial in deciding the next step. The gels needed to be mixed and coated before the shot and the mixture was not always stable. Once taken the image needed to be rapidly developed and fixed immediately after the photograph. Using chemical mixes in the field or on location was difficult and limiting.

Dr. Richard L. Maddox invented a dry gel process in 1871. By 1879 this process was rapidly developed until dry plate processes became as effective as wet plates for speed and quality. Maddox set up a dry plate factory mass producing the chemicals. This made the work of photographers much easier. Dry plates could be stored rather than made when needed. As a result of this significant development photographers were more easily able to take photographs in remote places or where it was not convenient to develop each shot as it was taken.

After dry plate photography George Eastman, of Rochester, New York, developed a dry gel coated on paper, and later film, replacing photographic plates in 1884. In 1888 George Eastman’s “Kodak” camera went on the market. The famous slogan “You press the button, we do the rest” heralded an era of freedom in photography. Now anyone could take a photo leaving processing to experts “back in the lab”.

Photography as a popular pastime
Photography suddenly became a popular pursuit after the success of the “Kodak Brownie”, the first mass produced camera released in 1900. This camera and its successors carrying the same name turned into a long line of popular and inexpensive cameras. The first ones were basic, made in cardboard. The popularity of this line of cameras ensured that the marque continued until 1967. Although vastly improved by that time, the Kodak Brownie sold in millions during its production history.

The Brownie succeeded because it was cheap and easily used. There was one lens, no focusing. Once the film had been exposed the camera was returned to the factory for the film (100 shots) to be developed. The real success was the creation of a flexible roll of film. It was coated with a dry emulsion. The flexibility of the film and no processing meant that the camera body could hold the film until developed – like today’s disposable cameras. This advance allowed the amateur and professional to take pictures anywhere with no worry about developing or wet chemicals. However, while the Brownie pioneered the use of dry film with multiple exposures the film was still large and cumbersome. More on the Kodak ‘Brownie’ on Wikipedia   External link - opens new tab/page

Arguably the most popular photography from 1850 to 1914 was portrait photography. Long exposures were needed to allow the early emulsions to work. This lead to a difficulty with capturing movement. Any object moving in the frame would be lost or ghost-like. This meant early photographs were mainly of static subjects. After 1900 the improved emulsions allowed photography to penetrate other subjects. Improved techniques and equipment paved the way. Journalistic photography began to make headway too.

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By Damon Guy (author and Photokonnexion editor)

Damon Guy - Netkonnexion

Damon Guy (Netkonnexion)

Damon is a writer-photog and editor of this site. He has run some major websites, a computing department and a digital image library. He started out as a trained teacher and now runs training for digital photographers.
See also: Editors ‘Bio’.

Photography History – Part One

Photography history: Boulevard du Temple by Daguerre

• Boulevard du Temple by Daguerre •
The first photograph showing a person. This is a busy street, but few people stood still long enough to be captured. Bottom left is a man getting his shoes polished by a boy. He must have been there for more than ten minutes. In photography history many developments had happen before recording images worked well.

Photography history – Before images were recorded

People have wanted to record images since pre-history. It was not until the 11th Century that the pin-hole image projection was invented. Light was allowed through a pinhole into a blacked-out tent. This projected an upside down image on the tent wall. The method was called the ‘Camera Obscura’. However, there was no way to record an image. People used the projection as a template for painting.

Many famous names appear in photography history. Francis Bacon described the camera obscura. He said it was a way of safely observing eclipses of the sun in the 13th Century. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519 AD) described the camera obscura too. Despite an early beginning, it was not until later that image making involved lenses. The use of lenses and mirrors were added to the camera obscura in the 17th Century. This made a portable device that projected an image the right way up. The “camera” was still unable to record an image. It was however an important part of photography history.

The earliest image in photography history

The first known recorded image was taken in 1825. Joseph Niépce (1765–1833; later called Nicéphore Niépce) experimented with ways to expose chemicals to capture images. Most images quickly faded. The first successful photograph was taken using bitumen dissolved in lavender oil. The chemicals were coated onto a pewter plate. The exposure too eight hours in a camera obscura. The plate was washed in lavender oil to remove the unexposed bitumen. This left a a thin layer of hardened bitumen making the image.

The Daguerreotype image

Niépce experimented with other ways to record images. The most successful method involved working with Louis Daguerre. After Niépce died in 1833 Daguerre continued the work and developed the Daguerreotype process. The Dagurreotype process used a copper plate. It was coated with silver and held in iodine vapours. The plate was exposed to the light source which created a positive ‘latent image’. This was ‘fixed’ to the plate by bathing in salt water. Exposures varied according to the chemical mixes and purity, but could be more than 15 minutes.

Later development lead to improved images and fixing. Daguerreotype images proved popular. But, the search was on for improved methods of image capture. Unfortunately, the Daguerreotype created a positive image. It could not be reproduced. More on Daguerreotype (Wikipedia)   Photography history: External link - opens new tab/page. It was, despite that, an big step forward in photography history terms.

Chemicals in photography history – Emulsions

Emulsion plates, followed the Daguerreotype images. During the 1840s various emulsion processes were invented. Emulsions react faster, some needing only two or three seconds exposure. A gel-like substance was coated on a tin or glass plate which was then exposed to create an image as a deposit. The unexposed gel was washed off and the remaining deposit was then ‘fixed’ leaving the final image. However, the chemicals in the gels varied and there were various processes. Popularity of photos drove the industry forward. It also left legacy systems. The important processes of the time included…
• The Calotype process (by Fox Talbot by 1840). A silver chloride emulsion produced a negative image.
• An Albumen emulsion invented by Niépce St. Victor (cousin of Joseph Niépce)
• Frederick Scott Archer. Invented the “Collodion” process (1851) with silver halide chemicals in gelatine.

The first emulsion processes needed wet plate processing within 15 minutes of exposure. Photos had to be developed on location. It was a problem for many types of photography.

As emulsions developed so did the equipment. Count Sergei Lvovich Levitsky made a bellows camera in 1847. This improved camera focusing. The camera could be folded. This made it more portable. Bellows are used in some modern cameras and lens systems. It’s a classic system which has stood the test of time. Lenses improved too. Astronomers, notably William Herschel, worked with lenses for many years. Photography benefited from the work too. In 1839 John Herschel (son of William Herschel) invented the glass negative. From it a number of reproductions could be made. This was not possible with the positive image. Reproducing an image was a big step forward in making photos useful. It changed photography history.

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Damon Guy - Netkonnexion

Damon Guy (Netkonnexion)

Damon is a writer-photographer and editor of this site. He has run some major websites, a computing department and a digital image library. He started out as a trained teacher and now runs training for digital photogs.
See also: Editors ‘Bio’.
By Damon Guy see his profile on Google+.